Archivi tag: france

Sunflower anniversary


Montparnasse: long distance relationship

Originally published here in Italian.

The stories they tell is what  I like about cemeteries. In Montparnasse there are the artists of my era, above all Simone de Beauvoir, but also Ionesco, Beckett, Man Ray that we never managed to find. And then there are all the others.

Une seule personne manque et toute semble depeuplé. One single person is missing and everything seems desert.

Isis is 28, like you last year, when I met you. Jo is seven years older. Her family call him her “compagnon” because they are not married, because Isis, in their eyes, will never be a grown-up. Even if every year they go to visit his family in Brazil, like any other grown-up couple. How many planes in a long-distance relationship? Especially in a Translatlantic one! Flight AF447. What do lovers do on a long flight? They sleep one over the other, they watch movies hand in hand…

What other way to die, if not together, coming home?