Archivi del mese: luglio 2012

Three years

Now that we are here, nothing else matters

From the art project: A love letter to Syracuse

I lived in three countries visited four continents.
I lost a job, I left another job and went back to university.
I burned bridges and made a friend I’ve always missed.
I investigated a murder case and baked perfect meringues.
I cheated and swore eternal love.
I picked up a new language and forgot an old one.
I lost my mind, then got it back, then lost it again. Now, I’m fighting for it once more.
I screamed with rage one afternoon in the peace of the Summer Palace, I laughed in a Portuguese garden in Montreal, I waved hello to giraffes in Leipzig.

And all of it because today, three years ago, I met you.

First it was a conversation, then a kiss, then a love letter. Before we realised it, it was life.